Thursday, March 19, 2009

Impatience In Marketing = Short-Cut To Empty Money Clip

The only reason, cancel that , one of the

reasons folks fail to earn income

on the internet is because they are either

impatient or greedy or both.

Look, the proven formula is to lead

and enter your target market with a little

$10 or $25 product.

More than that and you are asking people

to trust you who havn't had enough time--

Yet------to become emotionally connected

to you and your product------ yet.

"Dean, is this why all music CD sales are

made by buyers who first listened to the

music or song 100 times first on the radio

for free?" Yep.

The only reason people on-line lead with a

$500 or higher priced product, is because

they are selling something which has no

intristic VALUE, they know it, and they

want to get all of your money before

you can figure out that what they

are selling is just a money game.

No true words were ever spoke. So think

really, really hard before you build your

new empire and enter the market without

free and/or low-cost $10-$25-$50 bucks.

******** LISTEN UP! ********

You won't be out Wal-Marting

Wal-Mart anytime soon.

So save yourself time and money

and stick to the formula.

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