Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm A Hustler


That's right!

I'm a hustler, and damn proud of it.

But not the shrewd unethical type hustler...

No! No! No!

I'm just the opposite.

You see, I'm a "Good News" hustler.

There's a lot of good people getting

hurt in our industry...

And I am sick n' tired of seeing good,

honest, hardworking folks

going into more debt...trying to

build up a successful home business!

...that's Bad News!

But, there is Good News!

People need to...

hear the whole truth!

No more 1/2 truths will be tolerated nowadays!

People need to hear that the struggling life

they are currently living right now...

...does NOT have to be the life

that they live with forever.

I know most people feel stuck out there,

and that time is just flying right by.

But there's "Good News"...

And I am a hustler...
(an intensely energetic, enthusiastic person,
a dynamo, an eager beaver, a real go-getter,
a live wire, an enterprising person
determined to succeed)...

I AM a "Good News" HUSTLER!

What am I hustling?

I'm hustling TRUTH!

No more bullshit...

No more 1/2 lies!

It's NOT your fault, that you're not as

successful(yet), as you see yourself becoming.

I've got good news for you.

The good news is that you will now know

a secret trait of successful people...

...they use failure as a stepping stone to success.

Helloooo....Did you hear that!?

They make a mistake, learn a lesson,

take a step back, rearrange a few things,

try it a new way, screw up, learn from the

mistake, try again,...

...never give up.

People that are "in the know",

know about a certain law of nature called;

The Law of Abundance.

This law is real, and it basicly means that

there's enough of everything,

to go around for everyone.

And once you're aware of this law,

and knowing that you'll get the prize(financial freedom)

on the other side if you never give up and stop, after all

the times that you DO fail...

is a MAJOR "Key" to Success.

I am proud of being a Good News Hustler!

The "Good News" is CAPITALISM!

The "Good News" is WE add revenue to this country!

The "Good News" is TRUTH!

The "Good News" is WE create jobs in this country!

The "Good News" is CHOICE of THOUGHTS!

WE create PROSPERITY in this country!

WE create the most MILLIONAIRES in this country!

WE spread the WORD...

...and the word is GOOD!

My name is Dean Prochnow.

And I Am A Good News Hustler!

Call me if you need anything

(Cell) 262.484.6785

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